Love and The Number 4
What is the foundation of your love?
“Imagine a house under construction,
the foundation poured and set,
the structure and framework rising one step at a time.
How is this house your life?
What does it reveal to you about reaching your goals?
Have you strengthened your foundation?
Do you build your life step-by-step?
If you have castles in the air, your work need not be lost.
Now put foundations under them.”
-Osa Johnson
4 is a number that teaches us the lesson of Stability and Process. Welcoming the strong numerology of this next cycle awakens a part of us that calls for the work to be done to make physical the maxnifestations that have been marinating between us, the universe, our guides, spirits, and ancestors. 4 asks us to take a look at the ground underneath, and really address any issues, obstacles, and blockages in the way of what we truly desire to feel whole, loved, and abundant. Before we can establish stability in the world, we need to create a sense of inner stability- physically, emotionally, and mentally- as the first step towards reaching our goals.
This is a time to take a look at our principles. What rules do we live by? What rules/boundaries groomed us as we grew into who we are today? In order to do that we must take a look at our families which can feel like a daunting task simply because it’s so dense. Our families are the epicenter of ourselves. The core of our psyche, our identity, our isms, patterns, shadow selves, etc etc follow the thread back to family. What we want is informed deeply by what we don’t want. Go through your familial memory and identify the faulty foundations. Emotional responses, negative affirmations, examples of relationships that aren’t something you want to recreate in your current life will be illuminated during this time. A lot of us have tapped into this energy and have been doing this work. Do not be discouraged! 4 is here to equip you with more tools and energy to do the things you are already doing.
Are you ready to do the work?
If your family is a garden, 4 is telling you to find the rotting roots, dig them out, aerate the land, nourish the soil, replant the tree, and care for it with a watchful eye. Be gentle with yourself and your family during this time. Heart openers and soothers will be crucial for integrating the lessons illuminated for you. Rose quartz, Malachite, Aventurine, Pink Opal, Hibiscus Tea, Rose Water, Chrysanthemum Tea, Lavender & Geranium Oil are all great heart healers to have in your arsenal. Massaging your chest and heart every morning in bed or in the shower will help soothe and settle a lot of the rubble of reconstruction. This is the time to release generational patterns that DO NOT SERVE YOU! A present eye is focused on your first relationships with the people who raised you. Whoever they are to you, you are being called to commune with them.
Not everyone has access to these people. Whether relationships are strained. Ties are cut. Their physical bodies are no longer present. Communication is hard. Take a deep breath and rejoice that this work can still be done energetically and honestly is a great place to start before any conversation is had. The purpose is to heal. To say things that are wanting to be said. To illuminate things hiding in the corners. Its like you are cleaning the basement level of your house, Marie Kondoing your life and communicating with those in your lineage about what you find, what no longer/or never did bring you joy, and taking the steps to bless how these things informed your life, give thanks, and give them to the Earth to compost!
I love to start with a letter. Light a candle, set space for yourself, pour yourself some tea, and sit with the things of your upbringing(your foundation) that need redesigning. Identify the folks you want to share this information with. Call in their higher self by stating their name and asking for the most divine aspect of them to be present in this healing. Write down and/or say out loud that which is on your heart to be said. “Send” off the letter to them by either burning it, burying it, whatever feels comfortable to you. This is the time for you to take the energetic step to physically address the pillars of your temple that need to be fixed and replaced in order to stand firmly in your power and reached your goals!
Everything in me wants to talk about Capricorn but the 4th sign in the Zodiac is Cancer. Which is serendipitously divine because its complementary/antithesis sign is Capricorn. Cancer is ruled by the Moon. This next cycle is asking you to trust and build a strong relationship with your intuition. The animal energy is of the crab which re-enforces the theme of home. As you grow you are going to have to release the things that are pressing against your soft body or will be forced to abandon environments that once may have seemed conducive for your growth but are no longer. This is okay. Part of the lesson of 4 is equipping yourself with regiment, with grounding practice that will be able to strengthen your soft body for whatever journey it may have to take this next cycle. A focus on your stomach and gut health is present during this time. Probiotics, Alkaline foods, Cucumber, Camomile, Ginger, Turmeric, Activated Charcoal, and Peppermint are great gut healers to explore with during this period.
Listen to your gut!
Now is the time to name your mxnifestations! The Full Moon in Cancer is on Jan 10, 2020 and the focus on the duality of your inner and outer environments is STRONG. Name the 4 pillars you want in your relationships: platonic/romantic/other. Give offerings to the Moon and Saturn and ask for their help to build a strong foundation for yourself and your relationships rooted in your intuition and what you KNOW you want for your life! Don't accept anything less of what you have told yourself you deserve. The season of compromise is over!
Take it from the divine Capricorn goddess Eartha Kitt.
I’ll leave you with this. This is your season! The time for you to shift the ground that you stand on to align with your dreams, your goals, and the love you deserve in your life! A lot of times when we think of foundation, we think of them as these strong, immoveable, concrete structures. But think of creating a base for yourself that is flexible and strong at the same time. Bamboo is a wonderful guide when doing foundation work. Flexibility is its strength and bamboo is it’s strongest when it is together. It may take time and consistency to grow to its fullest potential, but once it is full it is hard to remove. These are your mxnifestations. Release your relationships with jackpot, big score, lottery mentality. This negates the work you have been doing to receive these blessings “seemingly” out of nowhere. Learn from the message of the Tortoise and the Hare! Here
Bless you! May you receive the assistance you need from the universe to weave the love you deserve into your daily life!
“The race is not always to the swift”
Next Steps:
-GROUNDING: take a dance class, yoga, or hire a practitioner to stretch you Follow this person
-Watch a documentary about Crabs
-Watch a documentary about Goats
-Give an offering to a bamboo forest/patch near you
-Start documenting and archiving familial stories during your life and before your life. If you do not have accessibility to these stories, start with your lineage and learn from others with similar backgrounds to you.
Cite: Millman, Dan. The Life You Were Born to Live: a Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose. H J Kramer, in a Joint Venture with New World Library, 2018.